Numerise blog

How is Numerise built to work for every learner?

Every learner is different. They have different aims, levels of confidence and previous experiences with maths. That’s why we’ve built Numerise in a way that means every learner can succeed in maths...

Home education -
tips, tricks and teasers

Home education has been around for decades but the last year has really thrown it into the limelight. The number of children registered for home education recently rose by 75%...

Building solid maths foundations

At Numerise, our aim is to completely change people’s perception of maths. Maths anxiety is on the up and we want to not only build learners’ confidence in maths, but also improve their maths skills...

Mixing up topics to boost understanding

At Numerise, maths is more than just test scores for us. We want to make sure learners build long term confidence and are ready to tackle maths in the outside world, as well as preparing for exams...

How to remember maths for the long term

There is more to maths than just answering questions one after the other. Regular practice is absolutely the secret to success, but adding a few learning techniques in the mix as well will give learners that extra boost...